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6:59:14 20/01/2020 | First picosite vendor store |
DonateWe accept Bitcoin & Monero donations and we wash out Bitcoin with non-custodial swap services. This means you can send us filthy and dirty Bitcoin without putting us at risk. 1FN1Tb6f8WE8uk6Wj5kBy6ryzohhrqfvui We also accept Monero donations and this network has lower fees. If you are a greedy drug capitalist (no offense, I love you) you should do business with it. 83C6hZgoCe85qGjXGxCtUsjgXMG5CUZavSdebiQ7euTpY7BViHDUXi2eyi5DXgeYAXfvUp73bB1w79VRzecxpLyRH7xeqab If you you yourself wash your BTC with XMR, and must cash out with BTC take heed: if the BTC amounts are similar in a small amount of time it may stand out still. As such donating a random amount of XMR midway can change that amount. |
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